Pages AZ MVD Office – US89, MP 551
Pages MVD OfficeUS89, MP 551 Page AZ 86040Phone: (928) 645-3269. | MVD Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-5pm Motorcycle Skills Testing Available. |
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) office is located at US89, MP 551, Page, AZ 86040. Their phone number is (928) 645-3269.
The MVD offers a variety of services, including:
- Registration renewal
- Replacing lost plates
- Updating address and contact information
- Registration replacement with decal
- Registration refund
- Sold notice-submit
- Specialty and personalized plates
- Disability placard replacement
The MVD also offers online services, including:
- More than 30 services
- Activate your AZ MVD Now account
- Get a paper title
- Change your address
You can contact the MVD by:
- Online
- Live chat
- Phone: (602) 255-0072
Contact AZ MVD: Phoenix: 602.255.0072, Tucson: 520.629.9808, Elsewhere in Arizona: 800.251.5866
Pages AZ MVD Office Tips:- Show Up Early: DMV offices can sometimes be crowded. You must understand that over 75% of Americans drive to work every day. So a lot of people may be at the DMV office with concerns or questions related to their drivers license.
- Be prepared to wait: With lots of people at your local DMV office, if you are late you will have to wait. the best way to avoid the long lines at the DMV office is to get to the office early.
- Bring a snack: With the often long wait, you may get hungry. If you do you can snack while you wait in any DMV office. You don’t want to miss your number being called because you went out to buy a snack.
- Have a Cool Head: With lots of people at the DMV waiting to be seen it’s easy to get frustrated and loose you cool. Remember that the DMV office counselors are there to assist you. Keeping a cool head and being courteous will help speed the process along.
Locate another MVD Office in Arizona.